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Are Cruelty-Free Products Safe?

"If a product isn't tested on animals, it might not be safe for humans."

Well, that is one of the biggest myths that we are about to debunk.

We encourage you to support cruelty-free products and say no to animal testing however we are definitely not putting your lives at risk to use products that are not tested at all. With the advancement in technology and innovation in science, there are several alternatives to replace animal testing. These alternatives not only improve the quality of results but also increase the humaneness in science.

Alternative 1: Cell Cultures / In Vitro Testing

Scientists have managed to coax cells to grow into 3D structures even the miniature human organs in the laboratory providing a more realistic way to test new therapies. A new innovative device called "organs-on-chips" has been created and it can be used to study biological processes as well as drug metabolism replacing the need of animal testing.

Did you know...

Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs only predict human reactions 72% of the time. However, a combination of chemistry and cell-based alternative methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions 90% of the time.

Alternative 2: Human Tissues

Both healthy and diseased tissues donated from human volunteers can provide a more relevant way of studying human biology than animal testing. (Yes you heard us right, diseased tissues can be used can well!) Human tissue can be donated from surgery (e.g. biopsies, cosmetic surgery and transplants). For example, skin and eye models made from reconstituted human skin and other tissues have been developed and are used to replace the cruel rabbit irritation tests. Companies such as Episkin, Mattek and CellSystems GmbH now produce these tests in easy to use kits for companies to use to test their cosmetics and other substances

Did you know...

The Draize skin irritation test conducted on rabbits can only predict human skin reactions 60% of the time. But using reconstituted human skin it is up to 86% accurate!

Alternative 3: Computer Models

You know the power of computers! They are able to replicate aspects of human body to conduct virtual experiments based on existing information and mathematical data.

Now, don't you feel more safe using the alternative testing over animal testing instead?

Credits to Cruelty Free International,

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